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Sunday 16 August 2020

What happen if Moon will destroy or Sudden disappear??

It is an interesting question what will happen if Moon will disappear or destroy or explode?? Think about it. If there was no moon, Our daily life will sudden changes. Here we knows how moon is much needer.
  • The first change will be during nighttime. Night would be unbelievable darker, as the moon is second brightest object from the sky of earth sudden it will disappear then night will much darker and brightest planet Venus still can’t enough light up the sky.
  • Earth exerts gravitational pull on moon, also moon exerts gravitational pulls on earth’s rotational speed, ocean and also weather.
  • If there was no moon, earth can’t control its rotational speed it would be increase and day becomes shorter like hours between in 6 to 12 hours rather than 24 hours as now we experience. In calendar year there are 365 days instead of may be over 1000 thousand.
  • Since moon affects the altitude and movement of earth’s water, our ocean would shrink. Without moon Scientist suggest that tides would be 1/3 of the size right now. Which means that high tides become smaller than right now and low tides become even lower. Now the Sun influence the tides however it would decrease and water might spread over the world.
  • The changes in earth’s rotational speed and change in earth’s tilt it would affects the earth’s weather. If the moon slow down the earth then moon’s also affects the wind and wind speed of our planet. Without moon the wind could much faster and much stronger.
  • Even we see the changes the entire in season. The moon affects the earth’s tilts. Currently earth in 23.5-degree tilt. Without the pull of moon the tilt would change So there are not season at all means the earth weathers are completely changes like in hot summer there are suddenly changes the weather to winter or changes in temperature is various changes.
  • Forget about seeing any eclipses, without the moon nothing can block the sun. Even farmer can’t reveal food so we produce food with scientists with some new science technology would take price at least 100 times more.
  • Some Scientists make assumption that this all above is history of Mars planet. A long period ago Mars has moon and it destroyed by gamma rays of supernova, whole Mars system was unbalanced.

The life of earth influences by the moon like weathers, oceans. Without moon the night much darker, tides would fall, season would change and the length of days would be smaller. Here we know us how moon is important for earth.

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