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Thursday 17 September 2020

September 17, 2020

What is the Mystery behind the Aokigahara Suicide Forest?

The world is full of scary places like Japan’s Suicide Forest.

  • Aokigahara is a beautiful forest near Mount Fuji in Japan. It is the world’s most attractive forest Because of Scariest Haunted Place.

  • During the whole year, the beauty remains as it is, nature’s gifted forest with full of Crowded Trees. Aokigahara is also known as the ‘Sea of trees’ because lava laid down the major portion in volcanic eruption so many years ago but still greenery is there.

  • From 90’s to recent years, people called that the Suicide Forest because It is the most used suicide site in several years.

Aokigahara Forest


  • Aokigahara is located on the northwestern of giant mount Fuji. It covers an area of 35 km. You can be lost in the forest easily but to make your way out is next to impossible because no compass or other magnetic equipment can work there and the forest is too dense.


There are several Myths about the Suicide forest.

  • The first Myths about that in 1960, a man has written a novel name is ‘Black Sea of Trees’. In the last chapter, the Man and Woman loved each other but they didn’t get love because of the family then they committed suicide in the forest by leaving the colored tape behind. This novel influences other suiciders to suicide in this forest exactly.

  • In 1993, another controversial novel was published name is ‘The complete Suicide Manual’. This novel totally written the contrast of that forest for the prefect place suicide and the copy of novel were found near the dead bodies and conclude that this novel major impact on their life.

Paranormal Activities:

  • Japanese believed that there was the feel of wild spirits furies. Furies are the spirits that were dead from the unconditional or violent. These spirits provoke people to coercion suicide done.


  • As per official records of local forest departments, around 100 dead bodies recovered from the forest in 2003.

  • In 2010, the police recorded at least 200 suicide attempts in the forest whom 54 were dead. In certain years every week, there were at least 2 dead bodies found. The Most common technique of hanging or overdose of sleeping pills.

  • Japanese Zoologist Ashuza Hayena who researched that forest for 30 years said that “follow every colored tapped which suicider left behind. At the end of the tapped there were bodies or skeleton”.

  • local forest authorities check for the dead bodies in a certain time of interval regularly. 

Tourist Attraction:

  • If you are an adventure seeker or hiker then you should visit the Aokigahara forest a because of such beautiful forest. The visitor of the forest doesn’t come alone and get some plastic tape to remember the path and take all precautions of the forest, follow the path made by the authorities. This forest is home to some trees are older than 350 years.

  • If you lost the place because no mobile phone no compass will work because of the magnetic sand than it will your mightier dark night.

  • Remember that avoid the visit the place in night because local villager reported the mysterious screaming or voice of crying lady come from the deep forest.

Visit the place with your safety.

 Important Note:-

This article does not spread out suicide. This is only the Information in a Mysterious place. In my point of view, Suicide is not even a last option. God gifted a beautiful life then live freely.

Monday 14 September 2020

September 14, 2020

Focus on only Today

  • After her husband's death, A poor lady was gone into suffering from the bank loan, house rent, and her business was also gone in loss and she was also taking care of her younger sister.
  • She was always in depression and anxiety. Her business of selling books to schools and colleges but no one was buying.
  • She decided to commit suicide but one thing that stopped her from doing it was his sister was not even had enough money to arrange her funeral.
  • The day after she was reading a book and found an article. And read one line which changed her life and removed stress was “Every day is new for an Intelligent Person” And “Today is better than yesterday.”
  • These lines describe that You forget your past and don’t worry about the future and live only and only in present.
  • She hanged the article line on the wall and always live in the present moment she thinks that “I can’t change the past so release the tension about the loan, rent and I change my present life then all will be set in Future.”
  • Why we are running from the present and not enjoying today’s moments and seeing dreams of the future. We can’t even know about the future how will that will be.
  • Your past is done so forget it but remember the important lessons.

    Some famous Quotes see here about living present

    “I wake up every morning believing today is going to be better than yesterday.” – Will Smith

    “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to regret the past, worry about the future, or anticipate trouble, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” - Buddha

    Remember that “You can’t start the next chapter of your life If you constantly re-reading the last one.”

Saturday 12 September 2020

September 12, 2020

Kepler 452b: Earth 2.0 Existence of human life on space?

Kepler 452b planet is almost similar kind of the planet earth. Scientists gave the name to this planet as “Earth 2.0” or “Earth’s older cousin”.
  • The atmosphere and temperature are of this planet nearly close to the earth. So now you can go on the mini trip in space, live there, and come back to our planet.
  • Kepler 452b is the exoplanet discovered and identified by the Kepler space telescope in 2015 orbiting in the Sun-like star Kepler 452.
  • It is a rocky planet and the atmosphere is thick and misty.
Compare between Earth and Kepler 452b
  • It has probably fives times greater mass than earth’s mass which means that its surface gravity twice the earth which means that your body must be feeling more gravitational force in this planet and there is the possibility of more active volcanoes.
  • It could take 385 days to orbit its star little more than earth’s 365 days and this planet is in the Habitable state of its star. 
  • Habitable Zone means that it is a good condition to live in here like water existence and temperature in 0 to 100°C.
Habitable Zone
  • It has an equivalent temperature of the earth 265k and a little much warmer than the earth.
  • At the far distance of 1400 light years, according to current technology NASA uses the Parker solar probe spacecraft than we wait until reach this planet almost 2.3 million years.
  • More details of this planet will be cover like paranormal life existence in the planet, the material of the planet, etc. by the James Webb space telescope NASA’s super capable telescope probably launch by ending of 2021.
Kepler 452b may not be exactly like the earth, but it has probably the most      Earth- like planet that astronomers have been found so far.

Saturday 5 September 2020

September 05, 2020

Is there any underground ocean in the earth??

Can you imagine that the big underground ocean below your feet?
  • Yes, it was discovered by some scientists and it is confirmed that there is a very large ocean in the deep ground. You can clarify in nature international weekly general edition 2014.
  • The underground ocean is almost three times over than the surface ocean. The surface ocean is covered 71% of the earth’s area and 97% of the water in this ocean. So, think that how much amount of the water is below the ground?
  • The water may be trapped the hundreds of kilometers below the surface. It would help to understand that how the planet was formed.
  • The water is trapped in a mineral called Ringwoodite and it is inside the earth around 640 kilometers.
Ringwoodite mineral

  • Geophysicist Steve Jacobson who discovered this theory said that, “this discovery suggests the earth’s water may have come from this activity and driven to the surface by some geological activity and geological process like earth quake volcanic eruption out of this sight.”
  • This picture showing the evidence volcanic eruption due to underground ocean.

Earth's volcanic eruption
  • We will think that the earth’s whole water cycle is a complete with evidence. The water is inside the earth area is known as a transition zone. Ringwoodite acts like a sponge because inside this mineral, there is hydrogen, and trap water is present.
  • There one quote is famous “Water is life”. Where’s the water, there is the life present. Now we think that What kinds of animal creatures present in this ocean and the density of this area is high and temperature also high So, how strong and dangerous they are?

Thursday 3 September 2020

September 03, 2020

How will you want to be remembered?

  • Over the century in 1888, a man was reading read the newspaper. It was full of surprise, he read his name in the newspaper.
  • It was mistakenly reported by a reporter that his death in wrong person and wrong news were printed.
  • He shocked after read the headline of the article and he continued to read the newspaper, the sentences like, ‘dynamite king dead’ and ‘the dealer of deaths’.
  • That swedish man was an inventor of dynamite his name is Alfred Nobel and while reading the sentence in that newspaper “The dealer of deaths”, he asked a question to himself, 
  • “Is this how I will be remembered in future?”  and he decided to change his life and live for only doing good work and helping other people.
  • From that day to when he will be die, he started working for world peace. Only in 7 years he is remembered today because of some great Nobel prizes and Nobel peace prize in 1930.
  • In 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving last wish the Nobel prize.


          You may not go to back and make a fresh new start, but you can energetic start and makes a fresh new end with joy. 
          You are not capable to change your character in past but you can change your future character will depend on you what the path you will decide.

Thursday 27 August 2020

August 27, 2020

Shun Fujimoto: Great Courage

  • I watch some stories about him and knew that this man have great tolerant capacity for suffering pain, courage and bravery. Even after broken right leg knee won 1976 Summer Olympic gold medal. It gave me goosebumps and I salute him.
  • His name is Shun Fujimoto, a Japanese gymnast who was born in Hiroshima Japan in 1950.
                                   Shun Fujimoto before and after Olympic                               
  • Japan entered the Montreal, Canada 1976 summer Olympic having won 4 consecutive gold medals.
  • While he was practicing the gymnast, breaking his right leg knee during the floor exercise before an Olympic. He knew that his team member a great amount of pressure and tight contest with closet rivalry team Soviet Union and one mistake to disappointments whole nation. So, he didn’t tell anything about injury and he act like nothing happened to him.
  • He continued with his pommel horse gymnastic competition in the Olympics and scored the incredible 9.5, before moving to the other event, the ring competition.
  • He also completed ring gymnastic competition in final event and he made a great landing in both feet, keeping their balance and perfect finished with great amount of suffering from pain to score awesome 9.7, even despite dislocating his kneecap and tearing in his joints of legs.
  • Doctors were also wondering and stated that “How he could manage to do summersault and twists and land perfectly without fall down or screaming or no expression on his face due to pain”. the doctor ordered him to refuse the competition or permanent disability.
  • Also, someone asked that what he did in an Olympic, could he do it again! than he literally said “No I can’t do it again”.
  • In 2017, he was inducted into his actual place International Gymnastics Hall of Fame.
He is an inspirational story of great sporting courage.
He did not fear in extreme condition, fights hard to win Olympic gold medal.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

August 25, 2020

Devil’s Sea: Unsolved Mystery Devil’s Triangle

  • There are lots of mysterious places all around the world and these are not explained yet. The missing people and ghost ships drift without ship pilot or crew member in this location to makes this place more mysterious and the electromagnetic waves also stronger than anywhere else in the world.
  • The Devil’s Sea or also called as Dragon’s Triangle and The Pacific Ocean Bermuda Triangle. Sometimes this also considered as happening of Paranormal phenomena.
Devil's Sea Area
  • This triangle covers Japan, the island of Bonin and major portion of Philippine sea. This is not officially included in the map, actual size and boundaries of the this triangle are still unknown.
  • There are several events happened in this triangle if we believe and since the events happened in decades and centuries and there are more number of lost peoples in triangular region than Bermuda’s triangle.

Several events:

  • In 1274 AD king of Mongol Empire had tried to attack Japan to build their empire also but he failed because he crossed this triangular region and lost around 40,000 crew members reported due to typhoons.
Devil's Sea
  • In 1800s, there was a sight of mysterious lady passed the midnight in this sea and left some fragrance. Hence, the source of lady and fragrance still mystery.
  • In 1940s and 1950s, there were number of sailing ships and over five military ship were disappeared in the sea. As a result, Japan sent the research ship to investigated this above happening with 31 crew members named Kaio Maru No.5 and also these has been reported to gone missing also and later only wrench of ship to be found not whole ship including crews.


  • There are also several hypothesis, myths and scientific explanation too attempt to solving.
  • Ivan Sanderson a biologist suggest that It is the hot and cold currents in the deep sea of this triangular region too led to disappearing the ship. Another scientific explanation is that sub-sea volcano is in the particular under the triangle.
  • Another explanation like under sea there are methane hydrates, when explosion happened it effect the floating things and destroy without leaving anything.
  • The myths in Japanese people is that they consider the devil’s sea as sea monster place and they eat all the ships and mans who passes the sea and also according to Chinese people, dragon’s triangle is home of evil dragon.
The devil’s sea or dragon’s triangle has numbers of theories and explanation but not exact evidence of how this was happened. These all beyond the control of human beings.