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Saturday 5 September 2020

Is there any underground ocean in the earth??

Can you imagine that the big underground ocean below your feet?
  • Yes, it was discovered by some scientists and it is confirmed that there is a very large ocean in the deep ground. You can clarify in nature international weekly general edition 2014.
  • The underground ocean is almost three times over than the surface ocean. The surface ocean is covered 71% of the earth’s area and 97% of the water in this ocean. So, think that how much amount of the water is below the ground?
  • The water may be trapped the hundreds of kilometers below the surface. It would help to understand that how the planet was formed.
  • The water is trapped in a mineral called Ringwoodite and it is inside the earth around 640 kilometers.
Ringwoodite mineral

  • Geophysicist Steve Jacobson who discovered this theory said that, “this discovery suggests the earth’s water may have come from this activity and driven to the surface by some geological activity and geological process like earth quake volcanic eruption out of this sight.”
  • This picture showing the evidence volcanic eruption due to underground ocean.

Earth's volcanic eruption
  • We will think that the earth’s whole water cycle is a complete with evidence. The water is inside the earth area is known as a transition zone. Ringwoodite acts like a sponge because inside this mineral, there is hydrogen, and trap water is present.
  • There one quote is famous “Water is life”. Where’s the water, there is the life present. Now we think that What kinds of animal creatures present in this ocean and the density of this area is high and temperature also high So, how strong and dangerous they are?

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