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Saturday 12 September 2020

Kepler 452b: Earth 2.0 Existence of human life on space?

Kepler 452b planet is almost similar kind of the planet earth. Scientists gave the name to this planet as “Earth 2.0” or “Earth’s older cousin”.
  • The atmosphere and temperature are of this planet nearly close to the earth. So now you can go on the mini trip in space, live there, and come back to our planet.
  • Kepler 452b is the exoplanet discovered and identified by the Kepler space telescope in 2015 orbiting in the Sun-like star Kepler 452.
  • It is a rocky planet and the atmosphere is thick and misty.
Compare between Earth and Kepler 452b
  • It has probably fives times greater mass than earth’s mass which means that its surface gravity twice the earth which means that your body must be feeling more gravitational force in this planet and there is the possibility of more active volcanoes.
  • It could take 385 days to orbit its star little more than earth’s 365 days and this planet is in the Habitable state of its star. 
  • Habitable Zone means that it is a good condition to live in here like water existence and temperature in 0 to 100°C.
Habitable Zone
  • It has an equivalent temperature of the earth 265k and a little much warmer than the earth.
  • At the far distance of 1400 light years, according to current technology NASA uses the Parker solar probe spacecraft than we wait until reach this planet almost 2.3 million years.
  • More details of this planet will be cover like paranormal life existence in the planet, the material of the planet, etc. by the James Webb space telescope NASA’s super capable telescope probably launch by ending of 2021.
Kepler 452b may not be exactly like the earth, but it has probably the most      Earth- like planet that astronomers have been found so far.


  1. Nice information, it is really interesting blog post for a space lover like me.

  2. I was interested in telescopes and the way they worked because I had an intense desire to see what things looked like, so I learned how to use telescopes and find things in the sky.


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