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Monday 22 June 2020

Great Scientist: Nikola Tesla

  • Nikola Tesla is a great inventor and also electrical and mechanical engineer. He is remembering for his contribution in development of the AC electric supply system and also in fields of electromagnetism and wireless radio communication. He was obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions.

  • He was born on 10 July,1856 at Smiljan Croatia, Austrian Empire. He was able to perform integral calculus in his head, which prompted his teachers to believing that he was cheating. He finished a four-year term in three year a graduating in 1873. He studied an electrical engineering at the Austrian polytechnic in Graz and further in attended lectures philosophy the Charles-Ferdinand university in Prague as an auditor. sadly, his father died, and he had to leave the university after completing only one term.
  • In 1881, He moved to Budapest, Hungary to work under Tivadar Puskas at Budapest Telephone Exchange. He worked as a draftsman and later in promotion in chief electrician position. He moved in Paris in continental Edison company with another job. There he gained great deal of practical knowledge in electrical engineering.
  • He again moved in New York, US. He was immediately working at Edison Machine Works. At seen the work of his, An Historian man Carlson notes to him may met the founder of the company. After fixing all night the Oregon he told that Edison so Edison commented in him is “this is a damned good man”. After this he has given the arc lamp street lighting project.
  • He was quit after work for six months and Later the story of stated manager has Edison offering himself and commented “Tesla, you don’t understand our American humor”. By this company nothing to give to him. Serrell whom same attorney used by Edison introduced him to two businessmen, Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an arc lighting manufacturing and utility company in his name, the Tesla Electric Light and Manufacturing. He worked for the rest of the year obtaining the patents that included an improved DC generator. The first patent issued to Tesla in the US. the company goes in loss.
  • After the help of partners finance and markets his ideas, he set up laboratories and companies to develop electrical and mechanical device. In this company he invents AC, induction motor and polyphase this all patents by Westinghouse electric in 1888. This company was the first to implement AC technology by lighting the World Colombian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. It proved to be a more efficient and effective method compare to the DC system of Edison. At the other invents by him is Tesla Coil, generators, electrical discharge tubes, contribution in fluorescent lighting, remote control and early x ray imaging.
  •  From the 1890 to 1906, he spent a great deal of his time and fortune on a series of projects trying to a develop the transmission of power without wires. He use these idea into practical use in Wardenclyffe project, an intercontinental wireless communication and power transmission.
  • From 1915 to 1925 mostly his patents run out and he was having trouble in his new inventions he was trying to develop.
  • He was continued his research on electrical generators and turbine design in his rest of life. Even in 81-year age , he was claimed that he completes the research on "dynamic theory of gravity" which never be published. He was died in New York on 7 Jan, 1943.
  • In 2003, a group of engineer founded Tesla Motors owned by Elon musk, dedicated to honor Nikola Tesla who created the AC electric motor. Tesla unit of magnetic flux density it's named for Nikola Tesla.
The famous line of  Nikola Tesla is "The present is theirs, the future, for which I really worked, is mine"

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