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Thursday 25 June 2020

Five Major Star Constellation

The International Astronomical Union lists 88 Constellations. The Constellation meaning that it basically star formation of some stars and their name to give it.  It covers the entire sky around the world. Here are listed down below is based on the old, size, brightest, importance of stars within them.

  • First is the question that how to find and see the constellation in sky. you can use the starmap is best to find where to look for constellation, depending on your position and time of year. it also depending where you live and season according to your location you can use the astroviewer that just you enter the location and it give the customized starmap.
1. Ursa Major: The oldest constellation

  • It lies in northern sky and it's name means that The great bear or The larger bear. It is largest northern constellation and third largest constellation in sky.
  • it's big dipper or also called plough asterism is consist of seven bright star of constellation. It's area is 1280 square degrees and located in second quadrant of northern hemisphere and it best time see is month of April.
  • It is most famous world cultures associated with number of myths. In Greek mythology, it is Callisto, a nymph who was turn into bear by Zeus's wife Hera.

2. Hydra: The largest constellation
  • It is best seen from southern hemisphere. It's covers the area of 1303 square degrees and it's length is over of 100 degrees.
  • It's southern end border is Libra and Centaurus and northern end border is cancer.
  • It is ancient constellation with many cultures. In Hindu mythology, it is ashlesha means that one of nakshatras. In Greek mythology, it is water snake.
  • It contain only one medium brightness star is Alphard. It is orange giant, 177 lightyears from earth and it's name is the solitary one. 

3. Canis Major: the brightest star constellation
  • It is in southern celestial hemisphere. It's Latin name is greater dog.
  • It contains the brightest star in the sky name is Sirius known as dog star. It is just 8.6 light years away. Sirius is brighter then the sun. It is actually double star. The second one name is Sirius B it's name is the pup and it is white dwarf star.
  • It is covering  the area of 380 square degrees. In Greek mythology it is dog, gifted from the Zeus to Europe.

4. Cygnus 
  • It is important constellation in northern sky. It is also known as swan constellation. It is covering area is 804 square degrees.
  • It is very easy to find in the sky as it features the well known asterism is Northern Cross.
  • It contains the Deneb is one of the brightest star.

 5. Orion 
  • It is famous and most remembered constellation. It is visible in February and it is located in center of the sky.
  • It is covering area is 594 square degrees. It's shaped like hourglass.
  • It's name is hunter in Greek mythology. The Betelgeuse is the red giant and one of the largest star. Alnilam, Mintaka and Alnitak which forms the Orion belt.

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