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Wednesday 19 August 2020

How Was The Moon Formed?? What are the Hypotheses about Origin of Moon

  • This isn’t interesting that we know how was Earth formed and don’t know about Moon. We don’t even have idea about moon’s origin. In earlier time  moon was a interesting discussion topic and history the Galileo was the first scientist to show that moon has a landscape similar to earth.
  • There are several hypothesis or theories about what the moon is and where is it come from. The most leading theory of this is Giant Impact hypothesis.

Giant Impact hypothesis:

  • The widespread theory is suggests by the scientist, giant impact hypothesis that moon formed from collision between young still-forming earth and Mars size rigid body. 
  • This colliding body called as Theia in Greek mythology, when it hits with the earth a portion of the planet came off and hundred into the moon.
                                                                 Giant Impact Theory
  • According to NASA, “when hits occurs, the energy involved was 100 million times larger than later event happened meteorite hit and dinosaur no more left.” In Apollo mission they collected some lunar rock and analyzed lunar rock, earth and moon have some remarkable similarities.
It’s also known as Big splash or Theia Impact.

Capture theory:

  • The capture theory suggests that moon originated somewhere in milky way galaxy. While travailing to near the earth it trapped into the earth’s capturing the moon, earth gravity massively changed.
      Capture Theory

Co-formation theory:

  • Under this explanation, moon formed in orbit around earth at the same time as earth formed and also earth and moon have some common materials.
  • In 2012, researcher proposed that earth and moon formed at the same time when collision occurs between two 70% size of Neptune bodies.                                            
Many gases Formed The Moon

So, capture and co-formation theories both explained some elements and existence of moon but leave some questions unanswered. The giant impact theory covers many questions in current time this is best model to explain how the moon was created.

There are some other theories but they don’t trust in Co-accretion theory in this moon and earth formed together while orbiting black hole it was useless and Fission theory in this earth spinning fast that part of our planet throws out the space but it kept by earth’s gravity.

For more blogs relate to moon:
what happen if moon will destroy??

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